Monday, November 26, 2012

Data Structure Binary Search Tree Interview Question | Problem Solving

Data Structure Binary Search Tree Interview Question | Problem Solving C++ Programming

Data Structure Binary Search Tree Interview Question | Problem Solving


In this problem you have to write a program to check if two given binary trees are structurally equivalent.
Two trees are structurally equivalent if they are both null or if the left and right children of one are structurally equivalent to the RESPECTIVE children of the other. In other words, when you draw the trees on paper, they should LOOK alike (ignoring the values at the nodes).

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Program fifo and lru page replacement algorithm | Operating System

Code for first in first out as FIFO and Least Recently Used as LRU page replacement algorithm using structure in C programming with output | Operating System

Code for first in first out as FIFO and Least Recently Used as LRU page replacement algorithm using struture in C programming with output | Operating System

Friday, November 23, 2012

fork and exec method use together to execute Shell Commands | Operating System

A parent process should create a child process which will execute command "ls -l" using execlp() and will create its child process. The newly created child process should execute system call command "cat hello.txt" and create a child process. The newly created process should execute system call"whoami" and then terminate. Every parent process should wait for terminating its child process.

fork and exec method use together to execute Shell Commands | Operating System