Sunday, December 2, 2012

C Code FCFS First Come First Served Process Scheduling | Operating System

Write the programs to implement in C Code FCFS First Come First Served Process Scheduling   CPU scheduling algorithms. Take the inputs, Process name, Arrival time of the process, CPU execution time of the process. Use system timer to check the  time quantum and display after every second the process running on the CPU or if the CPUis idle until all the inputted
processes complete their execution. Calculate waiting time, turn around time for each

C Code FCFS First Come First Served Process Scheduling | Operating System


 In this problem we can use time_t and get system time using time() which in the <time.h> header file so we need to import it also.Following Solution only for FCFS

Check Given Word Using Switch Case Shell Script | Shell Programming

Write a shell script to determine whether the given word begins with lower case or uppercase letter check whether it is three character word or whether it is starting with a special character

Check Given Word Using Switch Case Shell Script | Shell Programming

Accept Input from User as Word then using Switch case we can find out given Word in lower case or uppercase , whether it contain Special character or Its Three character

Compare Two Strings And Size Of Strings Shell Script | Shell Programming

Write a shell script  to to run check on strings which includes whether strings are equal or not and whether the size of the strings greater than zero or not.

Compare Two Strings And Size Of Strings Shell Script |  Shell Programming

Accept Two Strings from User on Terminal then first check Strings whether given string empty or not using [ -z $stringname ] it will return 1 if strings are empty after that we can compare this two strings using = operator .

Find Out File Size Using Shell Script | Shell Programming

Write shell script to to know whether the size of the file provided is greater than zero or zero and print size of file.

Find Out File Size Using Shell Script | Shell Programming

This is small script to finding out provided filename size whether it exist or not and if it then findout its size in Byte and print its size using stat -c%s $filename command.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Data Structure Binary Search Tree Interview Question | Problem Solving

Data Structure Binary Search Tree Interview Question | Problem Solving C++ Programming

Data Structure Binary Search Tree Interview Question | Problem Solving


In this problem you have to write a program to check if two given binary trees are structurally equivalent.
Two trees are structurally equivalent if they are both null or if the left and right children of one are structurally equivalent to the RESPECTIVE children of the other. In other words, when you draw the trees on paper, they should LOOK alike (ignoring the values at the nodes).

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Program fifo and lru page replacement algorithm | Operating System

Code for first in first out as FIFO and Least Recently Used as LRU page replacement algorithm using structure in C programming with output | Operating System

Code for first in first out as FIFO and Least Recently Used as LRU page replacement algorithm using struture in C programming with output | Operating System

Friday, November 23, 2012

fork and exec method use together to execute Shell Commands | Operating System

A parent process should create a child process which will execute command "ls -l" using execlp() and will create its child process. The newly created child process should execute system call command "cat hello.txt" and create a child process. The newly created process should execute system call"whoami" and then terminate. Every parent process should wait for terminating its child process.

fork and exec method use together to execute Shell Commands | Operating System


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Create Childs which use System Call Unix Linux Commands C program | Operating System

A parent process should create a child process which will execute system call command "ls"
and will create its child process. The newly created child process should execute system call command "cat" and create a child process. The newly created process should execute system call"whoami" and then terminate. Every parent process should wait for terminating its child process.

Solution :-
Following program demostrate you how to create processes using fork() method and how to  use system call to execute commands on shell terminal. Using simple wait() method parent wait for child execution till partent pause state. just try it out yourself/

Create 5 Child for Process | Operating system

Create 5 child processes for a process. The processes should be executing in
parallel. The parent process should wait till all the child processes are terminated.

Create Child Using Fork in C program | Operating System

Create a process. Fork to create a child process. Display pid, ppid, gid and uid in
the child process and display pid, gid and uid for the parent process

This is small program to create process using fork() method as after call fork() it will return -1 if child creation fail,return 0 if child creation successful ,return child pid to  parent.

void  main()
        pid_t pid;
           case -1:printf("Child Creation Fail..!!");
           case 0: 
                printf("I AM THE CHILD PROCESS\n");
                printf("The Child process id is %d  ppid is %d gid is %d uid id %d \n",getpid(),getppid(),getgid(),getuid());
           default:   printf("I AM THE PARENT PROCESS\n");
                printf("The Parent process id is %d gid %d uid %d \n",getpid(),getgid(),getuid());

FCFS and Round Robin Schedular Implementation in C | Operating System

Write the programs to implement the below given CPU scheduling algorithms.
1.  FCFS
2.  RR
Take the inputs, Process name, Arrival time of the process, CPU execution time of
the process. For implementing RR additional input,  the desired time quantum should be
taken from the user. Calculate waiting time, turn around time for each

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Doubly Linked Lists Implementation using oops of c plus plus | Data Structure

Doubly Linked Lists Implementation using oops of c plus plus | Data Structure

Doubly Linked Lists Implementation using oops of c plus plus | Data Structure
By Sanjay Sinalkar
Write a program in c++ using object oriented concept to create Double Linklist which having following functionality 

1)Insert element at Begin
2)Insert element at given position
3)Insert element at End
4)Delete element from Begin
5)Delete element From End
6)Delete element from Given position
 7) Show all element Inserted in Display function()
Program should validate given position before calling given position operation such as Insert or Delete

Monday, September 17, 2012

Stack implementation in c++ code using array | Data Structure

Stack implementation in c++ code using array  | Data Structure

This program is the demonstration for implementing Simple Stack Program using array and Object Oriented Concept with basic functions of Stack push() and pop() with index called top which gives the current status of Stack! Stack has defined size so need two more function to check whether isEmpty() or isFull() to check stack is empty or not or is full or not. In this scenario top is integer type as default to top=-1,if top=-1 Mean Stack is Empty , if top=sizeOfStack-1 then stack is full.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Function Overloading for Volume Calculation C++ Programming

Function Overloading for Volume Calculation C++ Programming

Function Overloading for Volume Calculation C++ Programming


Virtual Function Implementation in C++ Programming

Virtual Function Implementation in C++ Programming

Write a base class called Employee. Use this class to store values name, salary etc.
Derive three specific classes called Manager, Teamleadand Programmer. Add to the
base class, a member function get_data() to initialize base class data members and
another function display() to compute and display information . Make display() as a
virtual function and redefine this function in the derived classes to suit their

Operator Overloading in C++ Programming Hr Min Sec Example

Operator Overloading in C++ Programming Hr Min Sec Example

Create a class Time with members hr, min and sec. Write all three
constructors, destructor, and make one static member to count the objects of
class.Overload the following operators :
>>,<<,= =,=,+,++,--


/* Program for Operator Overloading */

using namespace std;

static int c=0;

class Time
int hr,m,s;

//cout<<"\nDefault Constructor Called!"<<endl;
Time(int thr,int tm,int ts)
//cout<<"\nParameterized Constructor!"<<endl;


Time operator+(Time);
void operator++();
void operator--();
void operator>>(Time);
void operator<<(Time);
void operator==(Time);
void operator=(Time);

Time Time::operator+(Time op)
{Time temp;
return temp;

void Time::operator>>(Time op)
{cout<<"Enter the Values for Hr Min Sec"<<endl;


void Time::operator<<(Time op)
cout<<"\nTime is:"<<hr<<"hr "<<m<<"m "<<s<<"s "<<endl;

void Time::operator==(Time op)
if( && m==op.m && s==op.s)
 cout<<"Given Times are Same"<<endl;
 cout<<"Gives Times are Different!"<<endl;

void Time::operator=(Time op)

void Time::operator++()


void Time::operator--()
if (s<0)
if (m<0)


int main()
Time hr1(2,30,59);Time hr2(1,20,21);
Time s1,s2,s3;
Time addhr=hr1+hr2;
cout<<"\nThe Addition is:"<<<<"hr "<<addhr.m<<"m "<<addhr.s<<"s "<<endl;
cout<<"\nTotal Object Created:"<<c<<endl;
return 0;

Friend Function Implementation in C++ Programming

Friend Function Implementation in C++ Programming

Create two classes DM and DB which store the value of distances. DM stores
distances in meters and centimeters and DB in feet and inches. Write a program
that can read values for the class objects and add one object of DM with another
object of DB. Use a friend function to carry out the addition operation. The object
that stores the results may be a DM or DB object, depending on the units in
which the results are required.
(Object Oriented Programming With C++ By Balaguruswamy)

Find element in array and its repetition in one dimensional Array C program

Find element in array and its repetition in one dimensional Array C program

Program to accept elements in array then take input from user to find that element and its repetition in Single Dimensional Array

Fibonacci series using Recursive Function C program

Fibonacci series using Recursive Function C program

Program to print the Fibonacci Series up to given term by using recursive Function in C program. Same Logic will be also work in C++ Programs also!

Sin Cos Function Implementation in C program

Sin Cos Functions Implementation in C program

Question :Write functions to calculate the sine and cosine of their input. Choose appropriate types for both argument and return value. The series (given below) can be used to approximate the answer. The function should return when the value of the final term is less than 0.000001 of the current value of the function.
sin x = x - pow(x,3)/fact(3) + pow(x,5)/fact(5)...
cos x = 1 - pow(x,2)/fact(2) + pow(x,4)/fact(4)...
Note the fact that the sign in front of each term alternates (--+--+--+...). pow(x,n) returns x to the nth power, fact(n) factorial of n (1 × 2 × 3 × ⋯ × n). You will have to write such functions. Check the results against published tables.(

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Program to find Vowel in given Character in C Program

Program to find Vowel in given Character in C Program

This is program to check given character is under vowel character or not using simple if condition.

/* Program For Detecting Vowel*/

int main()
char a;
printf("\nEnter character\n");
if(a=='a'|| a=='e'|| a=='i'|| a=='o'|| a=='u' || a=='A'|| a=='E'|| a=='I'|| a=='O'|| a=='U')
  printf("\nThis Alphabet Is Vowel....!\n");
{ printf("\nThis is Not a Vowel..!\n");
return 0;


Reverse Number Logic in C program

Reverse Number Logic in C program

This is program for reversing digit of given number by simple logic. Program use While loop for repetitive process.

/* Program For Reverse a Number*/

int main()
int no,rem;
printf("\nEnter no\n");
int bs=no;
int sum=0;

printf("Reverse Of  %d is \t :%d\n",bs,sum);
return 0;


Prime number Logic to check it in C program

Prime number Logic to check it in C program

This program use to check given number is Prime no or not. As prime number not divisible by any number except by itself and one.

/* Program For Prime No*/

int main()
int no,i=2;
printf("\nEnter no\n");
int a=1;
 printf("No %d is Prime No...!\n",no);
 printf("No %d is Not a Prime No....!\n",no);
return 0;


Check Palindrome Number from given Input Integer C program

Check Palindrome Number from given Input Integer C program

This program use to check given input integer is palindrome or not. Simple just reversing and storing digit to sum then compare it with back one!

/* Program For To Palindrome No. */

int main()
int no,rem;
printf("\nEnter no\n");
int bs=no;
int sum=0;

 printf("No  %d is Palindrome No.\n",bs);
 printf("\nNo %d is not a Palindrome.....!\n",bs);
return 0;


Find Maximum Number in array in C program

Find Maximum Number in array in C program

This program to find the maximum number in 1 Dimensional array. Accept number then compare it with previous maximum if true then replace it with new one as simple as that

/* Program to Find Maximum No in array */

int main()
int a[100],n,i,max=0;
printf("enter the no.:");
printf("enter the value of %d no.:",i);
printf("\nThe max is %d\n",max);
return 0;

Program to Find Leap year in C Program

Program to Find Leap year in C Program

The program for find out the given year under leap year are or not. Leap year logic is simple as the year which divisible by 400 or divisible by 4 and not by 100 .

/* Program For Finding Leap Year*/

int main()
int yr;
printf("\nEnter year\n");
if( (yr%4==0 && yr%100!=0) || yr%400==0)
  printf("\n%d is Leap year!\n",yr);
{ printf("\n%d is Not a Leap year..!\n",yr);
return 0;


Factorial of a Number Using While loop in C program

Factorial of a Number Using While loop in C program

This is program to find out factorial of a number using simple while loop. this logic use to create a function like fact to find out any factorial of number /Integer.

/* Program For Factorial Of a No.*/

int main()
int no,temp=1;
printf("\nEnter no\n");

int fact=1;

printf("Factorial of No    %d \t is :%d\n",no,fact);
return 0;


Decimal to Binary Conversion Logic in C program

Decimal to Binary Conversion Logic in C program

This is program which is gives you output as Binary of any Integer. Program Store the binary output as Integer just for reference. We can use it further where required. Decimal to binary needs Math.h Library file to use power function.

/* Program For Decimal to Binary Conversions*/

int main()
int no,rem;
printf("\nEnter no\n");
int bs=no;
int sum=0;
int pw=0;


printf("Decimal to Binary  of this no  %d \t :%d\n",bs,sum);
return 0;


Calculator Operation Using Switch Case C program

Calculator Operation Using Switch Case C program

This program specially for Calculator Operation Using Switch Case C program which can do Addition,Subtractions,Multiplication,Division mathematical operations. It also has Menu to do Such Options in Simple Formats

/* Program For Addition,Subtraction,Division,Multiplication*/

int main()
int a,b,c;

printf("\n****Choose The Following Options****\n");
printf("-Press 1 for Additions\n");
printf("-Press 2 for Subtractions\n");
printf("-Press 3 for Multiplication\n");
printf("-Press 4 for Divisions\n");
printf("-Press 5 for Exit\n");
printf("Please Enter two nos:");
scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);
case 1:printf("\nAdditions is:\t%d",a+b);
case 2:printf("\nSubtractions is:\t%d",a-b);
case 3:printf("\nMultiplication is:\t%d",a*b);
case 4:printf("\nDivision is:\t%d",a/b);
default:printf("\n Invalid Choice....!\n");

return 0;


Addition of Digits of Given No C Program

Addition of Digits of Given No C Program

This program specially for separating the digits from given more than 2 digit no and add it together . This logic mainly useful at the time of reversing the digit of given no.

/* Program For Adding digits of No*/

int main()
int no,temp;
printf("\nEnter no\n");
int bs=no;
int count=;
temp =no%10;


printf("Sum of digit  of this no  %d \t :%d\n",bs,sum);
return 0;


Check Armstrong Number from given Input Integer C program

Check Armstrong Number from given Input Integer C program

This program is to check given input integer is Armstrong Number or Not such that sum of qube of each digit is equal to that no.

/* Program to check  Armstrong No*/

int main()
int no,rem;
printf("\nEnter no\n");
int bs=no;
int sum=0;

 printf("The No %d is Armstrongs No.....!!!\n",bs);
 printf("The No %d  is not a Armstrongs NO....!!\n",bs);
return 0;


Addition of Two Dimensional Matrix in C program

 Addition of Two Dimensional Matrix in C program

The following program is the example of 2 Dimensional Array for adding it and save it to 3rd Array.

/* Program to Addition of two Matrix */

void printarry(int ap[2][2]);

int main()
int n,i,j;
int a[2][2],b[2][2],c[2][2];
printf("Enter The A matrix");

printf("Enter the B Matrix");

printf("\nMatrix A:\n");
printf("\nMatrix B:\n");
printf("Addition of Matrix is:\n");
return 0;

void printarry(int ap[2][2])
int m,n;
 printf("%d ",ap[m][n]);