Operator Overloading in C++ Programming Hr Min Sec Example
Create a class Time with members hr, min and sec. Write all three
constructors, destructor, and make one static member to count the objects of
class.Overload the following operators :
>>,<<,= =,=,+,++,--
/* Program for Operator Overloading */ #include<iostream> using namespace std; static int c=0; class Time { public: int hr,m,s; Time() { hr=0;m=0;s=0; //cout<<"\nDefault Constructor Called!"<<endl; c++; } Time(int thr,int tm,int ts) { hr=thr; m=tm; s=ts; //cout<<"\nParameterized Constructor!"<<endl; c++; } ~Time() { } Time operator+(Time); void operator++(); void operator--(); void operator>>(Time); void operator<<(Time); void operator==(Time); void operator=(Time); }; Time Time::operator+(Time op) {Time temp; temp.s=s+op.s; if(temp.s>=60) { m++; temp.s=temp.s%60; } temp.m=m+op.m; if(temp.m>=60) { hr++; temp.m=temp.m%60; } temp.hr=hr+op.hr; return temp; } void Time::operator>>(Time op) {cout<<"Enter the Values for Hr Min Sec"<<endl; cin>>hr>>m>>s; } void Time::operator<<(Time op) { cout<<"\nTime is:"<<hr<<"hr "<<m<<"m "<<s<<"s "<<endl; } void Time::operator==(Time op) { if(hr==op.hr && m==op.m && s==op.s) { cout<<"Given Times are Same"<<endl; } else cout<<"Gives Times are Different!"<<endl; } void Time::operator=(Time op) { hr=op.hr; m=op.m; s=op.s; } void Time::operator++() { ++s; if(s>=60) { m++; s=s%60; } if(m>=60) { hr++; m=m%60; } } void Time::operator--() { s--; if (s<0) { s=59; m--; } if (m<0) { m=59; hr--; } } int main() { Time hr1(2,30,59);Time hr2(1,20,21); Time s1,s2,s3; Time addhr=hr1+hr2; cout<<"\nThe Addition is:"<<addhr.hr<<"hr "<<addhr.m<<"m "<<addhr.s<<"s "<<endl; s1>>hr1; s2>>hr1; s3=s1+s2; s3<<hr1; //s3<<; ++s3; s3<<hr1; hr1>>hr1; --hr1; hr1<<hr1; cout<<"\nTotal Object Created:"<<c<<endl; return 0; }
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